WIPs and stash update
The gathered pullover has been somewhat neglected. I'm a student teacher now and so many things are competing for my time that i've only been able to knit a few rows here or there. i finished the fronts and i'm nearly done with the back, so there is some progress.
i still love this sweater. even though my dogs knocked my frappuccino over and got drops of sticky coffee/sugar/crap all over the sweater and the yarn. good thing yarn is washable.
i also started the baudelaire sock because i desperately needed a portable knit since my chevron scarf and the gathered pullover are too large and cumbersome to carry everywhere. the sock got a lot of questions from curious onlookers at school.
Stranger:"what in the world are you doing with all those sticks?"
Me: "i'm knitting a sock"
S: "for a baby?"
M: "no, for me."
S: *quizzical look*
M: "it starts out small at the toe, and then it gets bigger"
S: "oh...so you're making individual toes?"
M: "no, i'm...well, ask me again next week and you'll see."
the sock is making much more sense now, and hopefully that person will see what i was doing in those early figure-eight-cast-on stages.
i also bought this freaking fantastic yarn online: noro kureyon sock in color 188