Friday, February 24, 2006

even a knitter

so, i definitely bought the new stitch 'n' bitch. yes, THAT stitch 'n' bitch, the one about crocheting.

but look, see? see that? right there...

there, it says "stitch-by-stitch instructions so clear anyone can learn to crochet—even a knitter" talk about calling me out. well heck, how could i NOT buy it? I flipped through the pages and found a simple scarf pattern that had a shell stitch border, something i hadn't done before(actually, the only thing i've done is a single crochet potholder.) i bought the recomended yarn (patons classic wool) and hook. by the way, patons classic wool merino is the most acryllic-like wool i've ever used. i was pretty convinced that it wasn't wool, but there was a felted sample at the store. weird.

look, ma! i'm a hooker!

i like it, i really do. it went by quickly and the shell stitch is pretty fun to do. i'll be trying out some more crochet patterns from that book soon. i'll also probably get some ribbon to run through the center of this scarf to add a splash of color and style. loves it.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


my finger is still tender but it's much much better! i haven't knit much at all since the last post, but i did start(and finish) a hat for my cousin Isabella. i had a ball and a half of debbie bliss cashmerino aran left over from a sweater i knit for her birthday two months ago. she's so cute! she's walking and knows some sign language and can say momma, dadda, and doggie. too cute.

i knit the hat up in a hurry, slapped on a knitted flower and gave the hat away before taking any photos. next time i see my cousin i'll get a picture of her wearing her pink ensemble.

my parents came into town before Valentine's day and my dad took me to the LYS and bought me some Rowan kid classic! YAY!!! I started Eowyn from Rowan magazine 38, look!

this is fun to knit, and quick too. I did that whole bit in one sitting. i can't wait to wear them. they're my reward if i can get through this week (geology and ecology test tomorrow, ecology lab test thursday, genetic map of 6 genes due thursday, and a genetic test friday) i may also reward myself with ice cream.

well, i've really got to study for the two tests i have tomorrow. of course, i'll knit a few rows during my study breaks (sometimes those happen more frequently than the studying itself. meh.)

oh oh, here's my finger. huge hole = gross.


(the date on this post is off because i started writing it on the 16th, and didn't finish till the 21st. what took me so long??)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

a knitter's worst nightmare

i smashed my finger in my car door this morning. it quickly filled with blood, and i tearfully walked into work and asked for some advil. my parents are working in the chico office this week and my mom snapped into mommy-mode and got me a baggy of ice and some medicine. then she drove me to the health center, waited with me and went into the doctor's office with me. the doctor advised that i get the blood drained because i would have a 50% chance of losing the fingernail FOREVER. so, i woefully agreed and he brought out a tool that i call the medical soldering iron. he burnt a hole through my fingernail near the base, and the blood under my nail rushed out. then he burnt another hole through my nail, about in the center and SQUEEZED MY FINGER to get the rest out. the squeezing part hurt, but the hole burning wasn't bad.

the thing that kept bringing me to tears was the realization that i wouldn't be able to knit for a while. how horrible! i'm typing with one hand right now, but how do you knit with one hand? i'm sure i'll figure out a way to wedge one needle between my knees and move the other needle with my good hand. we shall see.

but, before the finger accident, i knit the thumb of katie's converitbles, and now i just have to knit the convertible part.

here's the underside.

i'm going to go practice my one-handed-knitting.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

katie's convertibles

i've been working on katie's convertible mittens in between classes and on an ecology field trip (just the bus ride). here they are so far...

here's a close up of the fair isle.

a little tight in some areas, but i'll stretch it a bit when i block it. i love this 100% alpaca yarn. i plan to pick up the stitches for the top of the mitten soon, and then knit the thumb. i hope it turns out alright, i'm not a fan of frogging. infact, i wouldn't frog it at all. i'd probably keep the janky mittens for myself and start a new pair (with lessons learned) and hope for the best. but, let's hope for the best the first time around.

my friend amy got the most adorable yorkshire terrier puppy. she's incredibly cheerful and has the sweetest disposition. so, i have to knit her a sweater. she's just yelping for a hot pink one. so i cast on during the superbowl. i'm hoping it will be a quick knit because i have several projects that have priority over this, but i'm just so easily distracted.

