Wednesday, April 16, 2008

slow going

i haven't posted in a while but i haven't done much knitting either. student-teaching has usurped the majority of my time. knitting has sadly fallen to the wayside. i did manage to squeeze these little fetching mitts out during some spare time.

of course these were finished just in time for a heat wave. figures.

i did manage to get crafty with some epoxy, beads and wire and made a necklace!

this one is for my friend who loves giraffes (quite possibly a compensation for her short stature). I'll be mailing it to her soon.


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    The Fetching Mitts look great! I love the color. Even though it's warming up, at least you'll be all prepared for next winter, right? :)

  2. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Cute projects! We'll take what we can get of you. :)

  3. Hey, what do you know? caitlyn and tiennie have said what I was going to say! Good luck with the student-teaching : )

  4. You always take such great pictures.
    And I love the projects too.

  5. I love the mitts - that is such a nice go-to pattern. Pretty color :)

    Nice necklace too!

  6. Cute stuff!!

    Good luck with student-teaching. I have several teaching friends and family members. The student-teaching part is rough! Just remember that it'll be easier when you have your own classroom.

  7. Life gets in the way sometimes. Nothing you can do about that. It feels good to have a finished project tho doesn't it.
    Nice color choice.
