Thursday, December 20, 2007

4 days left—it's crunch time

oh crap oh crap oh crap on a crap cracker (ten points if you can name that quote)

i can't believe it's December 20th. i swear i thought i had at least a week left to finish my knits. i have the body to the armscye and one sleeve done on the cobblestone sweater and only about a third of the shawl finished:

both of these items need time for blocking and wrapping up. i did however finish a pair of house socks:

it's gonna be a late night on dec. 24th.


  1. Go, go, Rachel, go!

  2. Stop blogging and knit, girl! You can do it! Why do we always put ourselves in these positions?

  3. Knit knit knit! You can do it!

  4. its from stinky pete on sea lab
