Wednesday, November 21, 2007

jury duty

in a room full of fussy, angry people (most had their arms crossed in defiance) i sat calmly and very happily knitting. i had jury duty on the monday before thanksgiving. although i couldn't afford to be put on the jury (i'm a full time student, you know) i enjoyed the two and a half hours of sitting and knitting and wondering if the man with the slicked back hair was guilty.

here are some angry people:

here is my happy knitting:
the cobblestone pullover is in that phase where you could swear you knit fifty thousand rows and the sweater only grows half an inch. wtf? (the sweater color is much more brown than that photo would lead you to believe.)

i also worked on some more secret christmas knitting and it's coming along nicely. 

happy holidays everyone!


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    oooo, I'm a little jealous. I tried to get my metal circulars in for sock knitting on jury duty a year or two ago. The person at the security check point in the court house in Oroville told me I couldn't take them in :-( Now I have wooden sock needles and I'm ready for the next summons.

  2. That's hilarious. Good for you getting something productive (and enjoyable) out of jury duty! When I get summoned down the line I'll definitely have mine in tow also!

  3. Those red cables look yummy! And thank you for your comment on my blog :D x

  4. fantastic! damn the man.

  5. Anonymous6:44 PM

    The cobblestone is looking fantastic! I used to get called for jury duty every year - so glad I don't anymore.

  6. That's wonderful that you were able to take your knitting to jury duty -- it makes things so much nicer : )

  7. Anonymous2:49 PM

    ah, how much nicer the world would be if everyone knitted!
