Saturday, September 08, 2007

a first encounter

i've heard of the wonder that is blue moon fiber arts but i've never seen any "socks that rock" in real life.  i wasn't sure if it would be worth it to buy some online until i started looking at the chevron scarves flickr group.  a lot of people were using the socks that rock, so i finally decided to buy some yarn to make my own chevron scarf.

socks that rock mediumweight in "loch ness"

socks that rock mediumweight in "socktopus"

together, they shall become my chevron scarf :) sadly the first thing i noticed about the yarn was the funky, wet-wool-smell that crept out when i pulled the yarn out of the bag.  the colors however, are so rich and beautiful that i quickly ignored my nose and hugged the yarn. yeah, we had a moment. it was beautiful.

there was actually quite a lot of stash enhancement this week, but most of it doesn't count because it's sock yarn, and sock yarn doesn't count.
4 hanks of claudia handpaints:

"copper pennies"


and 4 hanks of rowan summer tweed to make two more slouchy berets for two more beret loving friends of Coco.  those santa cruz ladies love those berets.

"summer berry" and "torrid"

there is progress on the tangled yoke cardigan too, the body has been set aside and i've started a sleeve.  i'm still in love with the cardigan and i work on it during every free moment at school, but "socks that rock" are really, really, really tempting...


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I think STR stinks too but it does go away and it's so nice to knit with. Pretty pretty yarn you've got!

  2. Ooooo, such pretty yarn... all of it!
